The Jiroft civilization, also known as the Halil Rud civilization, is a Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the southeastern region of modern-day Iran from around 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE. The discovery of this civilization in the early 2000s has shed new light on the ancient history of the Near East, but it also remains shrouded in mystery.

Discovering Jiroft

The discovery of the Jiroft civilization began when Iranian authorities intervened in illegal excavations near the village of Jiroft in the late 1990s. The authorities confiscated a large number of artifacts, including several inscribed tablets, which caught the attention of archaeologists.

In 2001, a team of Iranian archaeologists led by Yusef Majidzadeh began excavations at several sites in the Halil River valley in the province of Kerman, including Daghianus and Konar Sandal. The team soon discovered a complex civilization that had developed a system of writing, metallurgy, and agriculture and had created intricate works of art, including sculptures and ceremonial vessels.

The Mystery of Jiroft

Despite the significant discoveries made at Jiroft, the civilization remains enigmatic. The Jiroft civilization’s language is still not understood, and the inscribed tablets found at the site have yet to be deciphered fully. The purpose of the large-scale architectural structures found at Daghianus and Konar Sandal is also unclear, and the civilization’s political organization and relationship to other ancient Near Eastern civilizations are still being investigated.

The mystery surrounding the Jiroft civilization has captured the imagination of scholars and the public alike, and many theories have been proposed to explain its origins and significance. Some scholars suggest that the Jiroft civilization was part of a larger cultural complex that stretched across the Near East, while others argue that it was an independent civilization that developed in isolation.

Importance of the Jiroft Civilization

The Jiroft civilization is significant for several reasons. First, it is one of the oldest and most advanced civilizations known to have existed in the Near East. The Jiroft civilization’s system of writing, which dates back to the 3rd millennium BCE, predates the development of cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia by several centuries. This suggests that the Jiroft civilization played a crucial role in the development of writing systems in the Near East. The writing consists of a series of symbols and images inscribed on tablets made of unbaked clay. The tablets contain a variety of texts, including administrative records, religious texts, and literary works.

Second, the discovery of the Jiroft civilization has challenged our understanding of the ancient history of the Near East. Before its discovery, historians believed that the region was dominated by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia and the Elamites in western Iran. The discovery of the Jiroft civilization suggests that there were other powerful and influential states in the region.

Third, the Jiroft civilization is significant because it was a highly sophisticated state with a complex administrative system. The civilization’s rulers were likely powerful and wealthy, as evidenced by the large palaces and tombs found at Daghianus and Konar Sandal. The civilization was also highly stratified, with a small ruling elite controlling the vast majority of the wealth and resources.

Finally, the Jiroft civilization’s artistic legacy is also significant. The civilization produced a wide range of metal objects, including weapons, tools, and jewelry. The civilization was also known for its intricate works of art, including sculptures, ceramics, textiles, and calligraphy. The Jiroft civilization’s calligraphy is particularly noteworthy, with inscriptions on tablets and other objects featuring a unique style that has yet to be fully understood.

Daghianus and Konar Sandal

Daghianus and Konar Sandal are two of the most important archaeological sites associated with the Jiroft civilization.


Daghianus is located in the Halil River valley, about 50 kilometers east of the city of Jiroft. The site covers an area of approximately 50 hectares and includes a large central mound and several smaller mounds. Excavations at Daghianus have revealed a complex of buildings that includes a large palace, a temple, and several smaller structures. The palace is one of the largest and most impressive buildings at the site, measuring about 80 meters in length and 60 meters in width. It is divided into a series of rooms and courtyards, and its walls are decorated with intricate designs and reliefs. The temple at Daghianus is also an important structure, consisting of a large rectangular hall with a central altar. Several large tombs have also been discovered at Daghianus, including the so-called “Royal Tomb,” which contained a wealth of gold,silver, and other precious objects.

Konar Sandal

Konar Sandal, on the other hand, is located about 30 kilometers east of Jiroft, near the village of Shahdad. The site covers an area of about 25 hectares and includes a large central mound and several smaller mounds. Excavations at Konar Sandal have revealed a complex of buildings that includes a large palace, a temple, and several smaller structures. The palace at Konar Sandal is located on the central mound and measures about 65 meters in length and 45 meters in width. It is divided into a series of rooms and courtyards, and its walls are decorated with intricate designs and reliefs. The temple at Konar Sandal is also an important structure, consisting of a large rectangular hall with a central altar. Several large tombs have also been discovered at Konar Sandal, including the so-called “Princely Tomb,” which contained a wealth of gold, silver, and other precious objects.

Take part in our guided tours to Jiroft, providing you a nice visit with a deeper understanding of this civilization’s history and architecture. 

Last word

The discovery of the Jiroft civilization in the early 2000s has been a significant development in our understanding of the ancient history of the Near East. The civilization’s advanced system of writing, sophisticated administrative system, rich cultural heritage, and enigmatic nature have challenged our previous assumptions about the region’s history. The Jiroft civilization’s legacy provides new avenues for research and further exploration into the ancient Near East’s history and the development of early civilizations.

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